Photo collage is an ensemble where you put together ready images cut off for example from magazines, newspapers, posters, handbills (mainoslehtinen) or printed from the net.
The material can be processed manually with computer or copy printer. If you use the cut off images, you can form your ensemble using paper glue and your mind. Let your imagination flow free. Before sticking the images to their final places, plan the outlines (hahmotelma) so that you'll have a ready plan in your head. All there's left to do is to unite the material.
Photo collage's meaning is to form an ensemble with either an aesthetic or position taking (kantaaottava) theme. Here's an example of an aesthethic ensemble:
The ensemble is created from random pictures which are cut off randomly. You can see human's faces in the ensemble and other random stuff if you look closely to it.
The position taking theme stands for something, for example human's rights, racism or animal's rights. What I see, is that photo collages which take position against human racism or animal abuse have actually influence on people and their attitude to the things collages stand against.
What I stand for is: "Racism is always wrong." God has created us to be one unite species, not separeted race classified as "white" and "black" people.
Help change the world. Stop the animal abuse. We are one step closer to create a better world, if you are the one to take the first step.
Oh, how I got lost from the main subject when I was talking about things I stand for. But now let's take a step to the main topic: our assignment.
that we were given to this project
★ This work will be executed by using the application (available on the Appstore and Play store) BAZAART
★ Desing either your own photo collage or position taking collage by using "cut and glue" technique. The position taking collage should stand for animals rights.
★ Use the options of the application versatile (monipuolisesti)
★ Send the finished work to this email:
I chose to do an own photo collage. So it's about my life. I joined together, in one picture, some of my passions (so there are many of them). I didn't take screen captures while processing this work so here's the whole work in its entirety (kokonaisuudessaan).
To my opinion, in this ensemble you can see clearly some passions in my life. Just some things I enjoy in my life. The background symbolizes my passion for travelling and the girl in the bikini, (doing an aerial [ilmassa tehtävä akrobaattinen liike]) symbolizes my passion for exercise (fit shape). To be able to do things like that, you must have the required strength training for it.
The two gymnastics in the wing (I copied the other one) symbolizes my passion for teamgym, my main hobby. If you are likely to know more about gymnastics, check out this link! The food in the other hand... It symbolizes my love to food! Though it's not fitness food like salads and fruits... Whatever.
The earphones, looking like notes, symbolizes my passion, and now I really mean passion, for music. I couldn't life without music. Singing and listening to music reaches so many emotions in me. It holds memories and it holds athmosphere for instance in parties.
And the hands right above symbolizes my passion for nailart and manicure. It is, if anything, that requires a steady hand, because it's so penalty for the exact (pilkuntarkkaa). But I enjoy it and the result is always a good motivation. You get pretty nails at least for one week.
So, just some things in my life in one picture.
I'm contented to this work. The editing process was slow. I had to remove all the spare around the pictures' details I wanted to be cut off in my photo collage. For example, I removed all the spare from this pic so that I got only the "flying" girl to my ensemble.
photo from
PS. Today's left 93 days until summer holiday begins!
Sait hyvin mahdutettua elämäsi intohimot yhteen ja samaan kuvakoosteeseen. Hienoa, että huippu-urheilijan elämään mahtuu myös herkuttelua:)
VastaaPoistaJÄlleen olit etsinyt mahtavasti materiaalia kollaaseista, hienoa! Etkö harkitsisi toimittajan uraa itsellesi? Kirjoittamien vaikuttaa olevan helppoa ja suorastaan intohimo ja lisäksi sinulla on taittoon vaadittavaa visuaalista silmää myös, hyvä kompinaatio!
Kollaasi on hienosti sommiteltu ja myös värivalinnat toimivat. Sisällöllisesti kollaasisi on kiinnostava:)
Itsekin olin tyytyväinen kollaasiin! Vaikka aika suppea se onkin. Työ oli kuitenkin kiinnostava niin pitihän sitä tutkailla enemmän!
PoistaJokaisen postauksen eteen oon kyllä nähnyt paljon aikaa ja vaivaa, monien mielestä aivan liikaakin.. mutta halusin nyt tehdä kunnolla tän blogin, ei mulla varmaa riittäis aika ja henkinen kantti alkaa jokaista postausta niin tarkasti väsäämään (jos siis jatkaisin vaikka elämäntyyli blogia kirjoittamaan). Kieli sujuu mutta on siinäkin aina omat ongelmansa.. enkä haluaisi kirjoittaa suomeksi. Ja mun mielestä mun visuaalisuus on rajoittunutta, en osaa luoda tai nähdä rajojen ulkopuolelle, jos niin voi sanoa..
Mutta arvostan paljon sun palautetta, kiitos:)