Rhythm. What does that word mean to you? To me it means the joy of life. Rhythm is everywhere, in everything you do, see or are. You breath with rhytm, either fast or slow (if you're running or walking), your heart beats to the rhythm and your days go by with rhythm, first is Monday, then comes Tuesday etc. And music! It's all about the rhythm. Sheets in your bed probably have a some kind of regular pattern so it follows rhythm as well.
In art rhythm is finging bounded or free rhythm. You can find both for instance in a wooden sculpture (veistos). Bounded rhythm means it follows regularity, like this piece of art.
Free rhythm follows its own instincts. It's like every single snow flake; you can't find a perfect match because they are all unique. Here's a picture of free rhythm. I think the necklace I chose to illustriate the free rhythm is wonderful. I must have it!
A good example of the mix both bounded and free rhythm piece of art is this sculpture.
This sculpture is named as "Sibelius Monument". The bounded rhythm in the sculpture is how all the pipes go the same direction, longitudinally (pitkittäin). The free rhythm in the sculpture is how the pipes are all different length as you can see in the picture.
How to bring out more the rhythm? You can use lights, colors, different shapes or changing shadows and it brings out its personal look.
Our assignment was to do our own sculpture of "rhythm".
that we were given to this project
★ Design your own sculpture with the headline "Rhythm" by using wooden sticks and blocks. Fasten (kiinnitä) them by using a hot glue gun.
★ When the sculpture is ready, it can be painted with acrylic paint
★ The sculpture must include both bounded and free rhythm
Once again, when the assignment was given, my very first thought was like "oh crap, I have no idea of what I should do with these wooden sticks and blocks.. not to mention the hot glue gun." I had never before used a hot glue gun but luckily I learnt it very quickly! The second thought was that instead of waisting time and thinking what I should do, I decided to go with the flow and I started to think the diamond in my ring. So, I started to build a diamond of the sticks. The picture above is the first step in my project, just a draft (luonnostelma).
By Friday I had visualized the whole sculpture in my head so I just had to put the puzzles together. It only took me an hour.
Half way there... only colors missing and about dozen sticks.
Now it's done! I photoshooted it from different angles. It looks good whether you look it above or straight. I like it and it was just what I wanted. The pedestal is high lighting the main sculpture. It's there to "lifting" the sculpture above to its rights and that idea was given by our teacher. :)
Esimerkillistä päiväkirjan kirjoittamista:) Paneudut aiheeseen syväluotaavasti ja olet ehkä myös etsinyt lisää tietoa netistä? Olet todella nähnyt vaivaa päiväkirjan kanssa.
VastaaPoistaHienoa huomata, että uskallat tarttua ennakkoluulottomasti tehtävään kuin tehtävään etkä "jähmety" vaikka joskus mentäisiin mukavuusalueen ulkopuolelle.
Hyvin sinulle kävi tämänkin tehtävän kanssa: molemmat rytmityypit ovat löydettävissä ja "tikkutimantin" ajatus toimii hyvin. Punainen nauhaa antaa veistokselle vielä uuden ulottuvuuden ja lisää jännitettä.
Selvästi olet sisäistänyt mitä taiteessa tarkoitetaan käsitteellä rytmi:)
Joo etsin kyllä vähän lisää tietoa netistä ku en tunnin alkuun kerinnyt.. Ja kuten zentanglessa, myös blogin ylläpitämisessä itselle jäävä muisto motivoi panostamaan kirjoittamiseen. Mukava kuulla, että vaivannäköäni arvostetaan! Tässä kurssin aikana oppii hyvin käyttämään bloggeria ja jos mulla vain aika ja motivaatio riittää, niin saatan aloittaa uuden, oman henkilökohtaisemman blogin kirjoittamisen.
PoistaYt. :)
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