keskiviikko 4. helmikuuta 2015

Step 1: the basics and introducing myself


This is my unofficial art blog, which is this course's one requirement to be maintained during this whole 4th period of spring semester. I'll write to here about my success, thoughts, opinions and projects we'll be doing and experiencing in this course. This blog is dedicated to my inspiration, to my teacher of art. So, here we go!

Today I got so excited when I took the first step to an art class. It was already quite full and me and my friend took place to one side of the room, the only places that were left for us haha. The teacher looked very familiar to me as she is the mother of my friend from my childhood. We were actually neighbours back then. Good times.
So, we were sitting in our desks and waiting for the class to begin. The teacher introduced to us herself and the art course we were on and which is compulsory course in high school. The course requires from us six different art projects. 
Course is literally about the basics. You don't need to be Michelangelo or da Vinci to copy on this course. And you have few alternatives of what you can do in these projects, not everything is compulsory to everyone to do.


About me. I'm 17 years old girl going high school at Ounasvaaran Lukio. I chose to go there because I had absolutely no plans of what I would do after I graduated from 9th grade. So high school gave me 3 more years to think about that. I am gymnastics and I train at Taipumattomat, the only gymnastics academy we have in Rovaniemi. So yes, I have a hobby. I used to play the cello when I was in primary school. When the 7th grade started, I had to give school more time so I loped off the cello. 
If you can call a hobby things like just listening to music or studying languages on your free time, then I could say that gymnastics isn't my only hobby. I do both of them and I liked to draw when I was younger but now I have not had time for that. And my imagination is sooo tiny. I'm also called a perfectionist because everything needs to be perfectly, for instance my room must be clean all the time. And when I draw, I can't stand flaws or malformations in my drawings. Everything needs to be symmetrical. So ruler and compass are my close friends. I'm hoping this art course to give me new perspectives to my imagination and increasing my creavitity. 

Some people get motivation with art when they see the results that are all done by their own hands' movements. So, also sports, like basic 'going to gym' can be motivating for some people when they see the differences and results in their body, only done by the strenght nad power they have and which would only keep growing. Art, like other hobbies, are many people's escape from reality, from problems or stress they have in their lives. It's both relaxing and purifying, and I got to experience the both feelings on today's class when we started our first project... Imma tell you 'bout that in my next post. 
To these pictures and these feelings, goodnight and sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

I'd say with all my love but because this is my art blog, I say:

With all my imagination, 

2 kommenttia:

  1. Hei Tuulia,
    kiitos upeasti kirjoitetusta blogista. Omalla, viime aikoina vähän käytetyllä enkulla lukeminen vaatii keskittymistä, mutta on erinomaista treeniä myös minulle.
    Kirjoitat hienosti ja värikkäästi enkun kielellä:
    Toivottavasti kurssi tulee olemaan mukava kokemus ja pääset löytämään itsestäsi todella sen sisäisen taiteilijan, joka uskoakseni asuu jokaisessa meissä. Vaatii vain oikeat ärsykkeet, uskallusta ja heittäytymistä sekä uskon omiin taitoihin, että se pääsee hyvällä tavalla esille. Kiva alkaa lukea blogiasi:)


    1. Voi kiitos ihana Leena! Arvostan jos jaksat lukea näitä aina vähän överipitkäksi venyviä postauksia, ainakin mitä ne on tässä alussa, kun on aikaa ja innostusta kirjoitella näitä postauksia. Tästä saan kurssin jälkeen niin kivan muiston itselle ja saatan jopa jatkaa blogin ylläpitoa, löytyyhän minusta taiteilijaa kynsien taiteilussa... Koitan säästää manikyyripostailut kurssin loppumisen jälkeen. Ja tässä todellakin harjaantuu itsekin englannin kielessä, mikä on tietääkseni vain positiivinen puoli asiassa. Pyrin vähintään kerran viikossa eli viikonloppuisin päivittään viikon kuvistunnin sisällöt blogiin niin voit alkuviikosta sitten käydä aina tsekkaamassa tän blogin:)
