The idea to this was given by our teacher. I mentioned the frost painting in my earlier post (which you can read in here). The frost painting I made was implemented (toteutettu) by using a buttermilk (piimä). Yes, I really mean the buttermilk. And nonfat. And of course you need a paintbrush and a bowl where you put the buttermilk.
The implemention was easy, just paint whatever is in your mind. I chose ordinary curls to there and there. Then I tried to be creative so I painted a flower, if you can recognize it to be one. If I was any taller, the painting would have filled the whole windowarea but luckily I have drapes that cover the top. The painting took me only half an hour and this is how the result looked like.
I liked it and I'm going to keep it in the window for some time. Can't wait until tomorrow to see how it looks like in a daylight! I recommend this kind of home art to everyone who has buttermilk and a paintbrush in their house and a boring day with a boring window. This really makes your day and there's no way you could fail it. Even I didn't fail it!
Buenas noches.
Tästä puuttui kai toinen kuva piimämaalauksesta...
VastaaPoistaJoo, huomattavasti huurrelasia edullisempi ratkaisu ja mikä parasta, kuva-aihetta voi vaihtaa vaikka viikoittain jos kyllästyy edelliseen:)
Joo huomasin tänää ku kirjoitin blogin kokonaan valmiiksi loppuun, että tuo kuva mun piimätyöstä oli tuhoutunu, niin käväisin korjaamassa tilanteen. Nyt pitäis siis näkyä lopputulos:)